How to Write a Novel (Part I of II)

write a novel

So, you’re writing a novel for the first time—congratulations! This decision that you’ve made is a big one—one that could lead to success, money, and fame. Writing a novel is a serious undertaking, one that, if done correctly, can lead to many incredible things in an author’s life. That’s why we’re here to show you…

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Self-Publishing When You’re Not a “Writer”


A lot of our blog posts lately have been targeted toward self-identified “writers” (novelists, poets, memoirists)—whether that’s people who have published before, people who wish to publish, or people who simply believe they have what it takes to be an author. Because of this, a lot of the content can be skewed toward creativity, storytelling,…

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Self-Publishing vs. Vanity Presses

self-publishing vanity press

The main appeal of self-publishing is the amount of control the writer, and therefore publisher, retains. DiggyPOD keeps this in mind, and doing so, we take all possible measures to ensure that the author of the book is calling the shots—and owning all the rights. If you keep up with our blog, you’ve seen that…

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Press Release: DiggyPOD, Inc. Writing Scholarship

2017 writing scholarships

DiggyPOD, Inc., a Digital Book Printing on Demand Company that helps the self-publisher become published, is proud to announce three writing scholarships for college-enrolled students pursuing an English or Creative Writing Degree. DiggyPOD excels at turning authors’ dreams of becoming published a reality and wants to contribute to the upcoming writing community. DiggyPOD is going to…

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Press Release – Mitabook Hardcover Casing-In Machine


Tecumseh, Mi: DiggyPOD Purchases Mitabook Hardcover Casing-In Machine The recent purchase, part of a $500,000 investment, broadens DiggyPOD’s available binding options and cuts down on waste. Tecumseh, MI: DiggyPOD, an industry-leading digital book Print on Demand and Self-Publishing Company in southeast Michigan, has begun to offer hardcover printing after their recent purchase of the Mitabook…

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Why Self-Published Romance Novels are so Successful

self-published romance novels

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and love is most certainly in the air—well, at least in self-publishing. Did you know that romance novels are by far the most popular genre in self-publishing? There is an estimated $1.08 billion in romance sales per year*. Whether that’s Paranormal Romance, YA Romance, or Historical Fiction Romance, one thing is…

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Workshopping Self-Published Writing

self-published workshopping

Stephen King (author of more than fifty novels and two-hundred short stories, you may have heard of him) once said that he always entrusts three friends to read his first drafts. If more than one brings up the same issues with the story, he’ll consider revising that part of the draft. This is called workshopping,…

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