How Self-Published Authors Can Benefit From Having a Blog

author blogs creative writing blogsBlogging has been immensely popular online since the onset of the earliest form of social media. It is estimated that nearly seven million people post blogs onto websites. It is an incredibly useful tool for businesses, as well. 61% of U.S. consumers have purchased something based on a blog they read. Because 23% of total Internet usage time is dedicated to social networking sites and blogs, it’s incredibly smart to take advantage of this momentum, especially if you’re a self-published author. Author blogs or creative writing blogs are the perfect way to gain attention, keep it, and persuade those readers to buy your book.

It’s very common for writers to have creative writing blogs

Blogging is a great outlet for writers. Sometimes, writing an entire book can be too much of a commitment. Having a blog gives writers a place to publish small bits of what they’ve been working on. Blogs on creative writing can also be a resource for other writers: a place of encouragement, discussion, and information. Some of the best author blogs are those which encompass all facets of the life of an author. These author blogs or creative writing blogs can sell books, of course, but they can also become a community.

Author blogs attract readers

Simply put, the more content you put out there, the more chance there is for someone to find you. For authors, this is absolutely necessary. Author blogs or creative writing blogs are a great way to garner attention. It can showcase your writing for those who aren’t completely sold on buying your book yet. It’s the perfect platform to feature snippets from books, discuss your writing process, and preview future endeavors. Blogging for authors is really about proving your credibility and getting attention from potential readers. You want your creative writing blog to be a promise to your reader; you want it to say this is the kind of content you’ll get.

Once you have readers, you can sell your book

The more content you publish, the more likely people are to buy your book. If you have a lot of content, readers will, naturally, read it. The more they consume, the closer to your work they will feel. It will only be the next logical step to buy your book. Creative writing blogs are excellent in this way; people become attached to your writing, enough so that they will pay for it, which is all any author can ask!

Readers that are drawn to your blog will also be more inclined to buy your book if you preview it for them. Offer “sneak peeks” or snippets of the book to entice them. People love incentives to buy things. Make sure you have links on your blog to direct readers to buy your book. You want to make it very easy for them to purchase it. Usually, author blogs will have a button at the top directing users to the books they’ve written.

If selling your book isn’t your goal, you can still have an author blog. The blog’s purpose doesn’t have to be to sell books. If people reading your work is enough for you, then perhaps a blog is the perfect way to go! That’s the beauty of author blogs or creative writing blogs—they can be whatever you wish them to be.

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