Creating an Author Brand

author brand

The concept of an author brand may be foreign to you. It may sound strange, as if you were some product to be marketed. In a way, that’s true. You, as an author, are a promise to your readers: you offer them something they can only get from you. Marketing your book is obvious: you…

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How to Write a Memoir


As we leave 2016 behind, you may be reminiscing on the year, getting nostalgic for all you’ve done both during 2016 and your life as a whole. Perhaps that nostalgia has driven you to write a memoir. Memoir-writing is a unique experience: it’s all about you and the nitty, gritty truth. When writing fiction, you…

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3 Writing Goals for 2017

writing goals

Writers, we get it: it’s hard to set time aside to actually write. Life gets in the way. You have work and family and friends and responsibilities. Sometimes you start your day with every intention to sit down and write, but when the time comes, you’re too tired or just want to zone out in…

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Book Publishing 101: Self-Publishing vs. Traditional

book publishing

There are two common routes of book publishing one could take: self-publishing or traditional publishing. Obviously there are differences between the two, but each has its benefits and its pitfalls. Typically, traditional book publishing is thought of as the norm, as better than self-publishing, but if you read last week’s blog post, you know that isn’t true.

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5 Self-Publishing Misconceptions


Despite being an established, diverse, and thriving industry, self-publishing is still shrouded in misconceptions. Perhaps it’s because traditional publishing has been the norm for so long. Or, maybe it’s because not enough people know where to find self-published work. Whatever the reason, people still believe so many falsities about the industry. From why authors choose…

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How to Promote Self-Published Writing


So you’ve self-published a book—congratulations! DiggyPOD knows a lot of time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears went into the writing and editing of your book. We’re proud to provide you with a top-notch, quality product. Your hard work isn’t over, though: now it’s time to sell that book. Your sales will depend entirely on how…

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Before You Self-Publish, Read These

know the rules

Writing is a craft, and like any craft, you must hone and perfect your skills before you can achieve greatness. In writing, it is wise to learn from some of the best writers out there. Just because you’ve chosen to self-publish and don’t have to query agents and sell to publishing houses, doesn’t mean that…

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Bring Your Self-Published Writing to Life


Good writing takes more than natural talent and a keyboard. In order to make your self-published writing intriguing, engulfing, and comparable to traditionally published writing, make sure you do all you can to bring it to life. Good writing comes down to more than plot and characters. It comes down to is research, details, and…

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How to Succeed at Self-Publishing Genre Fiction


People self-publish all kinds of books—cookbooks, genealogy books, children’s books, nonfiction books, religious books, etc. The most popular in self-publishing, however, is genre fiction—specifically romance, mystery/thriller/suspense, science-fiction, and fantasy.

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5 Self-Publishing Success Stories

self-publishing success stories

When you think of self-published authors, you tend to think of small-time writers with minimal sales and impact. However, in the digital age, with a plethora of self-publishing companies available and the option to market your book on social media, self-publishing can lead to big-time, traditional success. Gone are the days of needing a marketing…

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