How to Sell Your Self-Published Book Online

how to sell self-publishedSo you’ve finally finished your self-published book: it’s printed and in your hands, and now it’s time to sell it. When choosing how to sell your book, make sure you choose wisely. Your self-publishing journey hasn’t led you this far just for you to lose your rightfully earned money. There are many, many ways for self-published authors to sell their books, both online and off. We at DiggyPOD believe you, as the author and publisher, should retain all rights and therefore should receive all the profits.

How to Sell Your Self-Published Book Option 1: Bookblues

It’s the belief that the author should be in total control that influenced the creation of Bookblues. DiggyPOD knows that your book is important. If you choose to sell through Bookblues, you’re also choosing to keep 100% of the profits. The possibilities are really quite endless, and, since we don’t believe in outrageous commissions or processing fees, you not only keep all of your profits, but you also save money. To see an example of this, check out our selling fee comparison calculator. The only fee to pay is our monthly listing fee (after the first thirty days on Bookblues), which, when you add it up, really makes a substantial difference.

Option 2: Amazon

A second option is to sell through Amazon. You don’t need to go through one of Amazon’s self-publishing imprints, either. A lot of self-published authors believe that if they don’t publish through Amazon, they can’t sell on the site. This is incorrect. You can sell on Amazon. Amazon offers two types of Seller accounts—an Individual account and a Professional account. The Individual plan should be used if you don’t think you’ll sell more than 40 books a month. Amazon will charge you $0.99, a 15% referral fee, and a variable closing fee of $1.35 for each book sold. The Professional account is $39.99 per month and should be used if you plan on selling over 40 books per month. With the professional account, you won’t be charged the $0.99 per book fee. Refer to this link for the fee schedule of Amazon.

Option 3: Indie Bookstores

A third choice of how to sell your book is to move offline and sell your it in independent bookstores. This is probably the most difficult of the three options listed, but it’s not impossible. A good way to be able to sell your book in bookstores is to first form a relationship with those stores: do readings there, help with other author events, buy from them, etc. Once you’ve formed a relationship with the store, and once you have your book and are actively marketing it, you can approach the bookstore to make some kind of deal. How the store acquires and sells your book will vary from store to store: some stores will offer a consignment deal, in which you only get paid if the book sells, others have reading fees, or some will pay you a percentage of the sales. Make sure you find out how they’ll sell your book, and make sure you’re okay with it.

When choosing how to sell your self-published book, be sure that it’s the best option for your book. Whether you sell on one or all of these platforms, we wish you all the success. Obviously, you won’t sell much on any platform if you don’t at first market that book. If you need a little help marketing, be sure to read our blog about promoting self-published work.


  1. Mary Moses on January 25, 2017 at 10:46 am

    Thanks for all your info. It really helps. Im writing my 4th book. Had a hard time selling the last 3 books. Sold mostly by word of mouth and personal book signings. Need to branch out. Keep the info. Coming.

    • Donald Nelson on January 26, 2017 at 4:24 pm

      My book, Little Whipper Snapper, will print in about a week, but I have already started my plan of attack for sales. I will rent a booth space at any gathering of people, such as at craft shows, rodeos, fairs, farmer’s markets and even locations where sweet corn is sold on the road side. I’m sending a copy to the editor of our local newspaper as well. I also plan to sell on ebay, Craigs list and any local on-line yard sale. I also plan on sitting up my pop-up canopy on any street corner where there is good traffic. Get some BOOK flags to let the people know what you’re selling. Create attention!

    • Hannah Gordon on February 6, 2017 at 9:40 am

      Hi, Mary! Congrats on your 4th book! Keep an eye on our blog – we’ll be having more posts about selling books online.

  2. Cyprian Cox on January 26, 2017 at 7:23 am

    I need to find out how to sell a book through Bookblues. Call me at (347)344-3887

    • Hannah Gordon on February 6, 2017 at 9:39 am

      Hello! You can call this number and any one of our expert operators will be able to assist you, no problem! 877-944-7844

  3. […] After the reading, the book signing will take place, and this is where you’ll sell books. Those who’ve just listened to you read will want to buy your book – they have to find out what happens, don’t they? How you sell your book will vary bookstore to bookstore. This will all be figured out when you initially contact the store: some stores will offer a consignment deal, in which you only get paid if the book sells, others have…. […]

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