New to Self-Publishing? Here’s What to Know

FAQs about self-publishingAs a first time self-publisher, you’re bound to have questions. The self-publishing process can seem overwhelming to someone who’s unfamiliar with it. That’s why DiggyPOD has this blog – to close the gap between author (and therefore publisher) and printer. We aim to be a complete publishing guide. But too often on the blog we assume that our readers are experienced self-publishers. To welcome newcomers, we’ve pulled together some frequently asked questions and concerns that potential clients have and answered them for you, right here, in this blog.

What is self-publishing?

Self-publishing is a great way to break into the book publishing world. It is, quite literally, for anybody. Anyone who feels they have a story, or stories, inside them to tell can publish a book. As the name implies, the author is the publisher. They decide what the book is about, how it’s written, what the book cover design looks like, and how many copies will be printed (unless it’s an ebook, of course). The writer is in complete and total control over the entire process. There’s no waiting, no second guessing, and no rejection (as in traditional publishing). Acceptance into the publishing world is a key component of the self-publishing industry.

Why do people self-publish?

People self-publish because it offers them an unrivaled freedom. They can write about whatever they want – fiction, nonfiction, poetry, whatever! – and print however many copies they need. They can design the cover however they want and sell it however they want. There’s no literary agents to worry about, no publishing house to change bits and pieces of the novel, and no percentage of the profits to be taken away. There’s no contracts, no royalties, and no hassle. 

How much does self-publishing cost?

This depends entirely on the author’s needs! The price will vary, depending on the quantity of books ordered, the trim size, number of pages, binding type, etc. The more books ordered, the more the individual price per book goes down. This is because on each order there are set-up costs for our file review, digital presses, and book binding equipment. When more books are printed, these setup costs start to be absorbed into the book printing pricing.

What is the process like?

In order to begin the process, the Word document will need to be converted to PDF. For a detailed description of how to do this, please visit How to Publish a Book. The author can also use our free Word to PDF Conversion Tool for a fast and efficient way to convert their files to print-ready PDFs. We even offer a PDF Checker to ensure that everything is formatted as it should be – making self-publishing a book as smooth and easy as possible.

After the files are converted, the manuscript will be sent to the prepress department. The prepress department will look everything over, ensuring that everything is formatted correctly and the book will print properly.

Only once the author approves the proof does it go into book production: printing, binding, trimming, and packaging. Then, the published book is on their doorstep and theirs to distribute however they’d like!

Can I sell my self-published book?

Of course! Self-published authors can sell their book however they’d like. In a bookstore, on Amazon, or they can use DiggyPOD’s BookBlues. If an author chooses to sell through BookBlues, they’re also choosing to keep 100% of the profits. The possibilities are really quite endless, and, since we don’t believe in outrageous commissions or processing fees, the author not only keep all of their profits, but they also save money. To see an example of this, check out our selling fee comparison calculator. The only fee to pay is our monthly listing fee (after the first thirty days on BookBlues), which, when added up, really makes a substantial difference.

What’s the difference between a self-publishing POD company and a vanity press?

Also known as a vanity publisher or subsidy publisher (they are very much the same thing, so don’t be fooled if they claim otherwise), vanity presses are publishing services that authors pay to have their book published, whether this is in the form of paying for the final product or publishing “packages.” Formal editing and formatting are offered, but for an additional price. Most offer packages beyond just the standard publication and will pressure writers into buying them. Fees from a vanity press, after all is said and done, can get as high as the five figure range. 

On the other hand, a true self-publishing company will act as more of a book printer than a publisher. There will be no outrageous, extra, or hidden fees – just the printing cost.

Is there a contract in self-publishing?

There shouldn’t be. Be wary of publishing companies that require contracts. Authors will never have to sign a contract at DiggyPOD.

Do I need to live in the same city to get my books printed with DiggyPOD?

Nope! DiggyPOD delivers your books anywhere in the United States, and if the order is over 100 books, the shipping is free. Can’t beat that.

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