Self-Publish Your Poetry with DiggyPOD!

self-publishing poetryBy now you probably know that April is National Poetry Month. We’ve been talking about poetry all month long. We love reading poetry, writing poetry, and self-publishing poetry. We aim to help all self-publishers throughout every step of the self-publishing journey. From drafting to creating your cover to printing your book, we’ll be right by your side.

These thirty days are dedicated to all things poetry, and there are many ways to celebrate. Celebrate National Poetry Month by learning a bit more about the craft. What are the different kinds of poetry? Which one do you like to read the most? You could read a poem or two every night before bed with your children. Reading poetry helps young readers learn. If you want to write poetry, do it! Start with a topic you’re interested in and go from there.

However you choose to celebrate this month, if you reach the end of April with a collection of poetry that’s begging to be published, choose DiggyPOD to print book. Self-publishing poetry is the perfect way to end National Poetry Month.

Why is there a National Poetry Month?

Art deserves to be celebrated, and National Poetry Month does just that. What poetry adds to our culture deserves to be recognized and appreciated daily, not just one month out of the year. DiggyPOD believes that everyone should read poetry, because there’s something in poetry for everyone.

Created by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month celebrates the art form as well as raises awareness of the benefits of reading and writing it. In addition to being a form of entertainment, reading poetry teaches readers about the world and about themselves. Ever since 1996, poets and publishers celebrate the month by organizing readings, donating books, and publishing new ones. Looking for a way to celebrate on your own? The Academy of American Poets lists a plethora of other ways to celebrate this month on their site. Check it out for more details.

How did you celebrate? Let us know in the comments!

Self-Publishing Poetry with DiggyPOD

Why do we love this month so much? We love National Poetry Month because we love printing poetry collections! Self-publishing poetry is a wonderful option for writers. Self-publishing poetry gets your work out into the world. Your poetry collection or novel in verse deserves to be read and loved by others, and DiggyPOD is ready help you achieve this dream. Imagine seeing your book on a bookshelf or in a store. 

We don’t buy into the common misconceptions about self-publishing. You shouldn’t either. The truth is, writers from all across the globe have made their dreams come true by self-publishing their work. Gone are the days of endlessly querying agents and hoping someone believes in your work as much as you do. You need two things when you self-publish: confidence in your book and a reliable printer at your side.

How to Print a Poetry Book with DiggyPod

When you self-publish your poetry collection with DiggyPOD, you won’t believe how beautiful it turns out. Our Print on Demand technology makes it easy to print bookstore quality poetry collections and novels in verse. Our process puts you in charge, so your book looks exactly how you’ve envisioned it.

When self-publishing poetry, you get to choose the binding style, the paper type, whether images are in black in white or in color, trim size, and the number of copies you’d like sent your way.

Binding types that we offer: hardcover, paperback, or coil bound. For self-publishing poetry collections, we recommend you print in either hardcover or paperback, but if you want something unique, there’s nothing stopping you from selecting coil binding!

Choose from several paper types , but there’s no wrong way to go. Some are better for text-heavy books, while others make images pop. No matter which paper type you choose, your book is sure to impress.

Before you can print your book, be sure your files are print-ready. When you self-publish with DiggyPOD, we require the following:

  • A PDF file of your cover
  • A separate PDF file of your book’s interior (front matter, body matter, and back matter) with a page size that matches your selected trim
  • All fonts should be embedded
  • Any images, whether on the cover or in the book’s interior, should be high-resolution to ensure quality

Need Extra Help? We’ve Got You Covered

If this is your first time self-publishing poetry, don’t worry. We’ve been doing this for awhile. DiggyPOD offers comprehensive how-to videos, tutorials, and templates to help newbie and veteran self-publishers alike. Check out our website and blog or call our customer service representatives for answers to any questions you may have.

Never converted a file to PDF? Don’t know what “embedding texts” means? Read this page to learn how to create a PDF, and read this page to learn how embed all text. Not comfortable with design work? We offer professional book cover design as well for $99. Because everybody judges a book by its cover.

We hope this blog series has taught you a lot about poetry, the various forms it takes, and how to integrate it into your life and the lives of your loved ones. If you never wrote, or even read, poetry before this month, we hope you continue to do so every month of the year. And when you’re ready to self-publish your book, you know where to find us. 

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